Scraplets are the past. Scraplets are the future. Scraplets are now.
Scraplets veer through the rivers of time like a slippery eel, riding Norbert Papin's Time Machine all over the place. They meet new friends every day, messing with the space/time continuum on a whim.
That's quite naughty when you think about it.
Scraplets are NOT toys for children, to be honest. They're wood decor. Put simply, they're not really suitable for unsupervised use by children - they've got nails and screws sticking out of them. Common sense and vigilance is advised at all times :)
Each Scraplet has their own character and back story - are you ready to meet them all?
This one is "Frankie the Duck, 44, Hackney. Born the son of a tailor, Frankie worked like a dervish for his entire childhood, filling his post office account with many pounds, shillings and pence. After leaving school he quickly moved on to selling electrical goods out of the back of a van. Now trades shares from the luxurious environs of his superyacht. Often gets himself mixed up with Sir Alan Sugar."
Frankie is approximately 4cm square and he's ready to go home with you!
Images by Scraplets and OHC.