Here's a beautiful bouquet of red origami paper roses - a unique and very special gift! They are perfect for a 1st wedding anniversary gift as the traditional material for that is paper. And they're brilliant alternative flowers for your Mum on Mother's Day or to say a great big thank you to your BFF!
I fold each rose from a single square of recycled paper and then attach it to a long stem, then I add a green origami calyx under the rose. Origami flowers are an excellent and eco friendly gift because they never wilt or die, they require minimal care (no watering, just a quick swish with a duster!) and of course you're avoiding the huge carbon footprint of fresh flowers.
Height: 30cm (12 inches)
Diameter: 20cm (8 inches)
Size may vary a little because each bloom is created by hand.
Images by Origami Blooms.